Disponoj 97 Vol. Keni dhe te drejta zgjedhjeje nese nuk e doni te plot paketen Per te interesuarit kontaktoni nr....

Counter-strike 1.6

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Ashampoo burning studio v11.0.4

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Ccleaner portable 6

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“Përdhunohet për vdekje” nga pesë gratë e tij, ishin xheloze për të gjashtën

Nigeriani Uroko Onoja ishte duke kryer marrëdhënie se-ksuale me gruan e tij më të re, kur pesë të tjerat i hynë në dhomë me thika e shkopinj dhe i kërkuan me detyrim që të bënte se-ks edhe me to.
Një biznesmen mjaft i pasur, bashkëshort i gjashtë grave, vdiq pasi u detyrua të kryente një maratonë të vërtetë se-ksi nga gratë e tij xheloze.
Nigeriani Uroko Onoja ishte duke kryer marrëdhënie se-ksuale me gruan e tij më të re, kur pesë të tjerat i hynë në dhomë me thika e shkopinj dhe i kërkuan me detyrim që të bënte se-ks edhe me to.
Zoti Onoja u bind dhe nisi “punën”. Ai kishte kënaqur instiktet e katër prej tyre, por kur e pesta po bëhej gati të hynte në dhomë ai pushoi së marri frymë.
Ngjarja në fjalë ka ndodhur në Ogbadibo shkruan gazeta nigeriane Daily Post.

Kim Kardashian , cfare formash !

Ajo e di shumë mirë se janë format e saj që e kanë bërë të famshme në mbarë botën. Dhe të mos harrojmë më të rëndësishmen, e kanë bërë edhe shumë të pasur.Ajo gjithmonë është veshur bukur, por që pas lidhjes me këngëtarin Kanye West, 31 vjeçarja gjithmonë ka shkëlqyer.

Ajo gjithmonë është veshur bukur, por që pas lidhjes me këngëtarin Kanye West, 31 vjeçarja gjithmonë ka shkëlqyer.

Xhesika Polo me nje tjeter look

Me të njëjtin ritëm si gjatë evenimentit muzikor “X Factor Albania”, po vijon kjo verë për Xhesika Polon, fituesen e vendit të tretë në këtë konkurrim.
Edhe këtë javë Xhesika ka vijuar pjesëmarrjen dhe konkurrimin, ndërkaq në “Hit Fest” që organizohet nga Televizioni Publik Shqiptar, ndërsa nuk i kanë munguar edhe daljet televizive me këtë rast.
Ndërkaq, ajo që kemi vënë re së fundmi janë flokët e Xhesikës, të cilat tashmë janë të kuqe flakë dhe shfaqin një këngëtare stil “punk”, çka duket edhe nga veshja.
Gjithashtu në këtë foto Xhesika i është bashkuar edhe instrumentit të saj të preferuar, kitarës.

Emiliano i Gentës, arrest shtepiak per vrasje

Emiliano Shehaj, duket se përveçse me futbollin dhe historinë rreth lidhjes së mundshme të dashurisë me Gentën, është bërë pjesë e faqeve të gazetave edhe përmes një ngjarjeje jo fort të këndshme që i ka ndodhur së fundmi.
Disa muaj më parë, faqet e kronikës raportuan për një aksident të ndodhur në Gjirokastër, si pasojë e të cilit mbeti e vdekur një 20- vjeçare. Automjeti drejtohej nga Emiliano, i cili si pasojë e kësaj sot vuan arrestin shtëpiak.
Ngjarja ka ndodhur në muajin maj në aksin Gjirokastër- Tepelenë në zonën e ndërmjetme mes qytetit të Gjirokastrës dhe Parkut Natyror të Viroit. Automjeti i tipit BMW, që drejtohej nga Emiliano Shehaj nga Gjirokastra, shkruan “Bluetooth”.
Si pasojë e shpejtësisë së madhe dhe parakalimit të gabuar, është përplasur me kufizimet anësore të një njësie të tregtimit të drurëve industrialë.
Sipas mediave shqiptare,  kanë qenë dy automjete të cilat kanë ndjekur njëra-tjetrën në parakalim me shpejtësi skëterrë. E gjithë kjo ka përfunduar nën kornizat e tragjikes për studenten e cila ndodhej në bordin e automjetit e cila u përplas me bordurën. Nga përplasja e fortë, 20-vjeçarja me inicialet R.S. ka mbetur e vdekur në vend. Automjeti është shpërbërë tërësisht nga përplasja e fortë që ka pësuar.

Noizy i rikthehet dashurise se vjeter .

Sabrije Idrizaj, është emri i vajzës i cili u bë i njohur falë lidhjes që ka pasur me reperin e famshëm Noizy.
Pas ndarjes së tyre, Sabrija nuk i kurseu fjalët e këqija për Noizin, duke pohuar se sa herë ai shkonte në Zvicër, ajo e mbante me para.
Por ajo lidhje që dukej se nuk do të kishte një shans të dytë, me sa duket shansin e paska pasur, pasi thuhet se Noizy i është rikthyer lidhjes me të dhe kanë publikuar madje edhe disa foto bashkë.
Ndërkohë karriera e reperit po shkon shumë mirë. E megjithatë nëpër koncerte me performanca live ndodhin probleme. Për shkak të kohës së nxehtë, në një nga koncertet e radhës që rep-këngëtari i njohur Noizy ka mbajtur, i kanë dalë disa probleme me të mbathurat.
Pasi në pjesën e sipërme në shumicën e koncerteve nuk mban veshur asgjë, të paktën në pjesën e poshtme reperi mban veshur diçka më të lehtë përfshirë këtu xhinse të shkurta por edhe boksera, të cilat i japin më shumë komoditet këngëtarit gjatë performancave.
Trupi i tij i djersitur si duket ka dashur të çlirohet, por duke e vënë në siklet edhe vetë Noizin, i cili është munduar të parandalojë këtë spektakël para publikut duke u larguar për disa çaste nga skena e për t’iu rikthyer këngëve në vazhdim

Parfumi që të dobëson

Nga dieta të ndryshme, në produkte të tjera kozmetike, janë të shumtë produktet që pretendojnë se mund të shkaktojnë humbje të rëndësishme në peshë. 

Së fundmi, këtyre produkteve u është shtuar për befasinë e të gjithëve edhe një parfum, i zhvilluar nga kompania franceze Robertet.

I quajtur “Prends-moi” (më merrni), parfumi në fjalë pretendon se ka veti të shumta, midis të cilave edhe ajo e relaksimit apo humbjes së peshës.

Sipas prodhuesve, parfumi në fjalë është në gjendje që të kombinojë aromaterapinë me neurokozmetikën, duke krijuar mbi lëkurë një ndjesi të vazhdueshme freskie.

Njëkohësisht, formula e përbërë nga përbëres si kafeina, karnitina dhe spirulina, është në gjendje që të aktivizojë dy përbërës që kanë një rol direkt në shpërbërjen e yndyrrnave, rrjedhimisht edhe dhjamrave të depozituar në trup.

Në një studim të kryer mbi një grup vullnetaresh të moshave 18-70 vjeçare, 75% e tyre dëshmuan se pas përdorimit të parfumit, patën një reduktim në oreks, ndërsa 73% dëshmuan një ndienjë të vazhdueshme kënaqësie në lëkurë.

Studimi se si lopët bëjnë miq

Mënyra se si lopët bëjnë miq do të hetohet në një studim të çuditshëm 3-vjeçar. 

Ekspertët e veterinarisë në Britani kanë vendosur që t’i vendosin lopëve një qafore, e cila do të tregojë më shumë për zakonet e tyre të përditshme dhe mënyrën se si ndërveprojnë me njëra-tjetrën.

Lopët konsiderohen si ndër kafshët më miqësore me njeriun dhe me njëra-tjetrën.

Qëllimi i studimit është përmirësimi i shëndetit dhe i rendimentit të qumështit të lopëve të tyre, diçka që ka një lidhje direkte me humorin dhe gjendjen psikologjike të kafshës.

“Të dhënat që vijnë nga kafshët e egra tregojnë se mënyra se si ndërveprojnë midis tyre ka një lidhje direkte në shëndetin dhe mirëqënien e tyre. Zbulimi i këtij çelësi tek lopët mund të ndikojë në një rritje të rëndësishme në rendimentin e prodhimit të qumështit”.

''Ezeli'' thyen rekordet ne Shqiperi

Telenovela Turke Ezel, seriali me i ndjekur i cili theu edhe rekordet qe mbante telenovela Palome ne Shqiperi, eshte ne serite e fundit te saj.  Si pasoj : le ne deshperim te thell shume familje Shqipetare duke mos qene e pranishme me ne banesat e tyre dhe gezon te gjitha televizione e tjera te cilet paten nje rrenim shikueshmerie edhe ne emisione te medha si Bb4 etj… Me siguri mbarimi i kesaj telenovele ka bere te mundur ngritjen e gotave te shampanjes dhe perkushtimin e madhe te te gjitha tv per nje pune te mire dhe te vrullshme !!

Foto e prinderve me te papergjegjshem (Foto)

Çiljeta, kapet mat në shoqërinë e djemve muskulozë

Tashmë ndarja mes Çiljetës dhe Aleksandrit është bërë e njohur nga të gjithë. U bë një prezantim i bujshëm i të dashurit të ri të këngëtares, por edhe një ndarje e heshtur nga ana e saj, duke mos preferuar të bëjë asnjë koment. Miqtë e saj rrëfejnë se ndarja mes saj dhe Aleksandrit nuk ka ndodhur në momentin që u shkrua në media, por shumë muaj përpara, ekzaktësisht menjëherë mbasi festuan së bashku ndërrimin e viteve.Një tjetër lajm tronditës ishte edhe kapja e Aleksandrit në Itali me lëndë narkotike dhe ai aktualisht ndodhet atje i izoluar deri në vendimin e gjykatës. Por si po shkon jeta e Çiljetës tani? Ajo mori pjesë në “Top Fest” me një këngë që u pëlqye shumë, por siç na rrëfejnë miqtë nuk e pati shpirtin e garës kësaj here, ose më saktë nuk ishte shumë e përkushtuar për të dhënë maksimumin, siç jemi mësuar ta shohim. Ka ndërmarrrë një aktivitet privat që është hapja e një dyqani rrobash, por për jetën private asnjë të re. Ndërkohë paparaci ynë e ka kapur këngëtaren se-ksi në jetën e natës pak ditë më parë, teksa vërdallë i rrinë disa djem muskulozë, të cilët nuk e lënë asnjë moment vetëm. A thua mund të jetë ndonjëri prej tyre i dashuri i ri i Çiljetës? Këtë pritet ta zbulojmë javët në vazhdim.

Eni Koci kjo superfemer !!

Këngëtarja e re dhe shumë simpatike, Eni Koçi këto ditë të nxehta ka preferuar të shkojë në plazh si shumica e personazheve publike, por edhe njerëzve të thjeshtë. Megjithatë, edhe në plazh Enin nuk e lë telefoni të pushojë e qetë. Siç shihet edhe në këto foto, ajo është larguar nga njerëzit për të folur në telefon.Po veç kësaj, Eni duket se ka pasur edhe një problem të vogël, pasi dielli e ka kapur më shumë sesa duhej. Në një foto të postuar në Facebook ajo ka shkuar duke qeshur “Komplet e djegur nga dielli, hahaha….Më mirë që s’duket fytyra”.

Mihrie Braha tashme kapet duke vjedhur

Mihrie Braha vjedh kengen e grekes Paola Foka
Kënga e cila u komentua shumë si një këngë në vazhdën e atyre patriotike, por që këngëtarja Mihrie Braha ia kushtoi Mitrovicës, del se nuk është në kanalin YouTube.
Arsyeja pasi kënga ‘Mitrovica ime’ është kënga e kopjuar origjinal nga kënga greke ‘Preftika”, e kënduar nga Paola Foka dhe versioni i saj është i hedhur para dy vjetëve në këtë kanal.Videoja e këngëtares shqiptare është ndaluar, pasi, si duket, kompozitori i këngës greke e ka denoncuar videon për shkelje të të drejtave të autorit. Kishim kohë pa folur për këngë të vjedhura, por na vjen keq kur kësaj herë versioni i vjedhur ka edhe nota patriotike.

Nora Istrefi prezanton ...

Siç duket në një party Nora Istrefi ka zgjedhur shoqëruesen më të mirë.Ajo është pikërisht nëna e saj, e cila sipas kësaj fotoje duket mjafte e re dhe vitale të mos themi duke i bërë konkurrence edhe vetë të bijës së saj, e në këtë rast që është këngëtarja Nora Istrefi.

VIP-at pëlqejnë ...

Gjithmonë e më shumë personazhet e famshëm të botës së spektaklit po pëlqejnë të merren me “paddle-surf” gjatë pushimeve të tyre. 

Ky variant i sërfit tradicional ka mbërritur edhe në Europë, aty ku modelja Alessandra Ambrosio, aktori Sean Penn apo këngëtari Bon Jovi janë disa nga VIP-at që janë ngritur në këmbë në tavolinën e sërfit për të lundruar në detin e qetë.

Hauai është vendi ku kjo pamje shihet më shumë, ndërsa në Europë vendin e parë me “VIP-sërfistë” e mban bregdeti spanjoll.

Rita Ora, e shkëlqyer në Las Vegas

Këngëtarja me origjinë shqiptare, Rita Ora, është duke punuar me shumë efikasitet për të rritur imazhin e saj në të gjithë botën. 

Pasi përfundoi së fundmi në kopertinën e “Complex Magazine” dhe “ASOS”, 21-vjeçarja debutoi në Las Vegas, si e ftuar nderi në një prej kazinove më të njohura të “qytetit të mëkateve” dhe në klubin e natës “Lavo”.

E veshur me një fustan të bardhë dhe një xhaketë motoristësh, edhe një herë më shumë Rita tregoi se përse format e saj janë aq të lakmuara, ndërsa u shpreh entuziaste për mbërritjen e saj në SHBA, duke ndarë kënaqësinë e saj me një status në “Twitter”, për 883 mijë ndjekësit që ka.

Ndërkohë, stili i këndimit të Ritës, mbiemri i vërtetë i së cilës është Sahatçiu, duket si një kthim i ëmbël në kohë në hip-hopin e viteve 1990, çka e ka bërë më të lehtë tërheqjen e shumë fansave.
Këngëtarja, e lindur në Prishtinë në vitin 1990, u transferua në Britaninë e Madhe në moshë të vogël. Kënga e saj më e famshme, “Hot Right Now”, mbajti për disa javë vendin e parë në klasifikimin e muzikës britanike.

"Ndërron jetë" Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt u shndërrua në viktimën e fundit të mashtruesve të internetit, të cilët publikuan në disa faqe lajmin e vdekjes së tij. 

Brenda pak orësh, lajmi u përhap me shpejtësi në internet, përfshi rrjete shoqërore si “Twitter”, duke u bërë midis më të lexuarve të ditës në të gjithë botën.

Në artikullin në fjalë, shkruhej se aktori hollivudian, njëkohësisht bashkëshorti i Angelina Jolie dhe babai i gjashtë fëmijëve, ndërroi jetë në një aksident snoubordi në Zvicër.

“Brad Pitt mbeti viktimë e një ngjarje tragjike, pasi u përplas me një pemë ndërsa argëtohej me snoubord në Zermat, Zvicër. Ai lë pas gjashtë fëmijë”, shkruhej midis të tjerave në nekrologjinë e rremë.

Pitt i bashkohet një listës yjesh si Charlie Sheen, Christian Slater apo Adam Sandler, të cilët kanë “ndërruar jetë” që më parë. 

Missy Franklin, Olympic Radical From Her Age to Her Training to Her Bank Account, the 17-Year-Old Swimmer Defies Convention

At first glance, Missy Franklin comes off as a classic Olympic archetype—the wholesome teenager from the heartland with the sort of bright eyes and toothy smile that sell millions of metric tons of breakfast cereal.
She's the modern incarnation of Mary Lou Retton, Kerri Strug and Michelle Kwan.
But when it comes to the Olympics and the world of elite swimming in 2012, these surface traits are deceptive. Franklin, the 6-foot-1, soon-to-be high-school senior from Centennial, Colo., isn't just an athlete who questions the conventional doctrine of Olympic stardom: She's basically a radical—a raving Bolshevik in swim goggles.Franklin won her first Olympic medal Saturday night as part of the U.S. 4 x 100 meter freestyle relay team, but Monday is her big moment. At 2:51 p.m. ET, she'll go after her first individual medal in the 100-meter backstroke. She's also expected to advance to the final of the 200-meter freestyle.
As the cameras linger on her and her parents in the stands, the various pieces of her story will begin to bubble to the surface and, in many cases, into Olympic folklore. One standout is Franklin's devotion to remaining an amateur. Before these Games, she has resisted all temptation to cash in on her talent and swim professionally. "I really, really want to swim in college," she told the Journal earlier this year. She has turned down roughly $100,000 in prize money and several multiples of that in endorsements.Franklin's mother, D.A., a physician, said she was having lunch with a top agent last year in China at a beautiful restaurant in Shanghai during the World Championships last year. When the check came, she said, "He looks at us and says, 'I feel embarrassed about saying this, but we have to go Dutch on this.' I look at him and say, 'I understand.'"
Franklin swims about 5,000 yards a day in practice, which is about half as much as several other stars in her sport. She doesn't come from a state that's on anyone's list of swimming hotbeds. And unlike many Olympians, she doesn't have the sport in her blood: Franklin's mother doesn't feel particularly comfortable swimming. "I've always been nervous in the water," he said in a recent interview. "I never enjoy it or feel completely safe."
As she progressed in the sport, Franklin's parents rejected advice from other parents to move the family to a swimming Mecca like Florida, Texas or California. Instead, she wound up doing her training at the place where she first wandered in for lessons as a seven-year-old: The Colorado Stars, a swim club that doesn't even have its own pool (it rents swimming lanes at five area facilities).Franklin has also stuck with her original coach, Todd Schmitz, who was starting his first day of full-time coaching when she walked in the door. Schmitz grew up in North Dakota where skating on frozen water is more popular than swimming, and swam at a Division 2 Metropolitan State College in Denver, which folded its swim program shortly after he graduated. He owned a lawn-mowing business and was a junior corporate executive before becoming a swim coach. "Missy's parents and I had a talk a few years ago and sort of mapped out a plan, for where we thought Missy could go, and credit goes to them and to her for sticking to it," said Schmitz, now a member of the U.S. Olympic team coaching staff. "I talked and they listened, and we've stuck with each other since."
Nonetheless, Franklin isn't just a dominant swimmer who intimidates opponents, she's also the most versatile swimmer among the U.S. women. In an era of specialization, where coaches and their swimmers will often decide to focus on a single stroke from an early age, she'll go against the grain by swimming in seven events in London, including backstroke and freestyle—two strokes that have little in common.
"You just never know how a kid is going to develop," said Schmitz, who had Franklin competing in every stroke in most meets since she was a young girl. "Two years ago it looked like her best event might be the 200 IM. Now it's the backstroke. At some point she may break through in the 100 butterfly."
Even Franklin's age makes her something of an oddity. As swimming grows in popularity and commercial opportunity, more swimmers have been able to stay competitive and support themselves long after college, which has nudged up the average age. Franklin is the second-youngest member of a team that's largely made up of swimmers in their early and mid-20s who practice with professional clubs.
On Saturday night, U.S. coach Teri McKeever tapped Franklin to lead off the U.S. 4 x 100 meter freestyle because she said the team needed Franklin's speed to keep them in the race. Natalie Coughlin, the reigning queen of U.S. swimming with 12 overall medals, was left out.
"Everyone has been saying Missy is the future of U.S. swimming," McKeever said after the race. "Well, the future is now."

A Spectacle of Irresistible Madness

You gotta find a pace. That's the word. Otherwise it will snap you in half, an Olympic Games, two weeks of nonstop athleticism, joy and heartbreak, and enough fussy pageantry to make a head of state blush.
Blast too fast out of the blocks, and soon you'll be located face down in a rainy gutter, clutching a crumpled program and muttering insensibly about medal tallies, Pippa Middleton and Mr. Bean.But it's tough to stifle the enthusiasm. Consider that Opening Ceremony Friday night. Sure, it may have looked loopy on television, but please know it was transfixing: lush English pasture transforming into a smoke-stacky Industrial Revolution; menacing puppets and winged cyclists; in-jokey doses of British madness, comedy and gloom. It was as if the Tony Awards had been hijacked by Roald Dahl, though the clever mind behind it was "Trainspotting" director Danny Boyle, breathing whimsy into an impossible task. It wasn't perfect. Some stretches were draggy (of all things, the tribute to British pop music felt dull and VH1) and the parade of nations needs an espresso—countries should only be represented at the ceremony by their 400-meter runners—but overall it was an absorbing, eccentric night. The Queen goofed off with James Bond! It rained Mary Poppinses! What do you want? America's got talent, but it doesn't have that. (Yet.) The Opening Ceremony serves to fuel-inject the fortnight, reminding that despite all the overbearing Olympic hype and commercialism, it is still an irresistible spectacle, one of those rare moments when an unwieldy globe can feel like a tribe. But there is no resting on laurels. By Saturday afternoon the host country was fending off complaints that there were too many empty seats at venues—some events resembled the barren VIP tundra behind home plate at Yankee Stadium—and bike-crazed Britain got a cool letdown when its heavily favored cycling team failed to deliver sprinter Mark Cavendish for a gold. Where was the squadron of Poppinses when they needed it?
But perspective is necessary, especially on the debut weekend. Later Saturday brought the first  duel between star U.S. swimmers Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte, an intrasquad rivalry that's been erroneously cast as the legend versus the upstart, since Lochte's already a multiple medalist and, well, older. But entering London, a transition appeared to be looming, and in the 400-meter individual medley, Lochte laid down the hammer, routing the field, including Phelps, who finished off the podium in fourth, in what he brusquely described as a "crappy" race.
"It's weird not having Michael next to me," Lochte said. "Michael to me is still one of the world's greatest and no matter what he'll go down as one of the world's greatest."
Whether he meant it or not, the "one of" hung in the air—Phelps has more gold medals than any Olympian in history. But Lochte's triumph was convincing enough to signal a transfer of power. The U.S. team had a new pool alpha. Still, Lochte and Phelps weren't enough to lift the U.S. to gold in the men's 4x100 relay, won instead by France. Power transfers were everywhere.
These moments are just fractions of the view. London is in a flurry. On Sunday afternoon the U.S. men's basketball team dominated France in a 98-71 victory, lining up to hug first lady Michelle Obama as they left the court. Shooter Kim Rhode won gold in skeet, the fifth consecutive games she has medaled; she's only 33. Current world champion Jordyn Wieber failed to qualify for the women's all-around competition; one of the two U.S. slots was unexpectedly taken by her Olympic village roommate, Aly Raisman. Swimmer Dana Vollmer set a world record in the women's 100-meter butterfly.
Wherever you are, there is an unmistakable sense that life-changing things are happening nearby, even if the gaudy commerce of the modern Olympics is always creeping in. (On Saturday I was asked by a security guard to remove a label from an empty water bottle because it wasn't the official Olympic water bottle. The sponsor didn't like it, the guard said.)
Even the biggest moments here contain little victories. On Sunday Britain captured its first medal, a silver in the rain-drenched women's cycling road race, taken by Lizzie Armitstead in a race won by Marianne Vos of the Netherlands. Shelley Olds of the U.S. lost a chance at a medal when she flatted in a four-rider breakaway, an agonizing bit of mechanical misfortune.
Coming off the course at the finish was a soaked rider from New York City, Evelyn Stevens. At 29, Stevens is a latecomer to the sport. Four years ago, she was working on Wall Street when she tried her first bike race in Central Park. Since then she's become one of the best riders in the world, but this was her first Olympics. The last one she'd watched on TV, back when she spent her life locked at a desk, working 90-hour weeks. Her family was in London, wearing T-shirts that had re-customized the famous I (Heart) NY logo as E (Heart) IE, a homage to Stevens's nickname, Evie.
It had not been a perfect day. But it was close. "It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life," Stevens said. "I will never ever forget doing this race."
She was already talking about coming back for the next Olympics. But first she was going to explore these Games, trade commemorative pins, be a "superfan," as she called it. London right now is a hard place to leave. And it's just getting started.

This Weekend in Swimming Drama

And on night No. 2 at the Olympic pool, the swimming gods delivered... redemption.
American butterfly specialist Dana Vollmer completed an eight-year journey back to the top of the podium (she didn't even make the 2008 team). In the 100-meter breaststroke, the recently unretired (and quadrennially disappointed) Brendan Hansen of the U.S. won what he called the "shiniest bronze medal" he'd ever seen.
Even Michael Phelps got back to the podium a night after missing it for the first time in a dozen years. Phelps won a silver medal in a thrilling 4x100-meter freestyle relay that saw the French redeem themselves from their loss four years ago in the same race by less than a one-tenth of a second.
The relay medal was bittersweet for Phelps and the Americans, who won with a world record in 2008 and held an arm's-length lead Sunday night before Yannick Agnel caught Ryan Lochte in the final seconds of the final leg.
Phelps said the U.S. should appreciate the medal but acknowledged: "You don't go into any relay hoping for silver, hoping for bronze."

Uchimura Mixes Strength and Beauty

When Kohei Uchimura leaps to the gymnastics bar, he imagines a flipbook animation of his body floating through the air in perfect form.
That's what the judges see, too. Japan's 23-year-old Uchimura is the reigning world champion, the only gymnast to ever win that title three times.
On Monday, Uchimura hopes to return Japan to the podium for the first time since 2004 in a sport the country had dominated through five Olympic Games in the 1960s and 1970s. His rise has also ushered in a shift in men's gymnastics since Beijing: beauty over brawn.
Gymnastics has always included both. But since the sport ditched its "perfect 10" scoring system in 2006—and changed to open-ended scoring—athletes have focused on attempting ever-harder physical challenges, seeking to rack up more points. Some athletes and coaches who thrived in the old system say the new rules favor brute strength over artistry.

Atletët olimpikë protestojnë në Twitter

Një grup i atletëve amerikanë po përdor Twitter-in për të protestuar kundër një rregulli të Lojërave Olimpike, i cili i ndalon ata të paraqiten në reklama për të tjerët, pos sponsorëve zyrtarë të Olimipadës në Londër. 
Mesazhi i tyre në faqen e rrjetit social thotë: Jam krenar që jam një olimpik, por ne kërkojmë ndryshime të rregullit 40.
Rregulli 40 i Kartës Olimpike mbron 11 kompani ndërkombëtare, të cilat, për katër vjet, kanë paguar nga 100 milionë dollarë për të drejtat e tyre globale për të sponsorizuar Lojërat Olimpike.
Këto firma përfshijnë Visa-n, McDonalds-in dhe Coca Cola-n. Atletët rrezikojnë të përjashtohen nga Olimpiada, nëse thyejnë rregullin.

WoOoW Cfare kercimi… (Video)

Shikoje vet kercimin e mbrekullueshem te kerij cifti ne dasmen e tyre !!!!!

Per cfare e ka zili Kim Kardashiani-n, femra me se-ksi e Botes, Mila Kunis?

Aktorja Mila Kunis u ka vene nje kusht producenteve te nje shfaqeje komike ne te cilen i kane ofruar nje nga rolet kryesore….
Ajo u ka kerkuar atyre qe ti zmadhojne virtualisht gjoksin dhe vithet. Ne fakt behet fjale per nje komedi te shkruar nga Hugh Sterbakov e cila pasqyron historine e tre studenteve me fuqi te jashtezakonshme.
“Ata me pyeten se se cfare kerkon te kesh si fuqi te jashtezakonshme dhe u u thashe se doja te kisha gjoks dhe vithe me permasa te tjera”, u shpreh Kunis per mediat qe e pyeten per kete projekt.
Edhe pse eshte votuar si femra me se-ksi per vitin e shkuar nga lexuesit e gazetes prestigjioze “The sun”, 28 vjecarja brune beson se keto dy pjese te trupit nuk i ka edhe aq perfekte….sikurse Kim. Ju si mendoni?

Angela Martini e ben per here te pare…

Lajme Vip-Angela Martini, keto dite ka prezantuar ne Amerike sfilaten e saj “Miami Swim” ne pasarelen e Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week.
Ka realizuar ate qe ka dashur, per te folur tashme mediat per punen e saj, dhe jo per lidhjet e saja dhe fotot se-ksi. Kjo eshte modelja e famshme shqiptare Angela Martini, e cila keto dite ka prezantuar ne Amerike sfilaten e saj “Miami Swim” ne pasarelen e Mercedes-Benz Fashion Eeek.
Angela kishte zgjedhur edhe modele shume te njohura ku ato me elegangen e tyre kane reklamuar bikinit e modeles shqiptare. Po keshtu kishte edhe personalitete te artit dhe skenes, perfshi edhe aktoren kanadeze Shenae Grimes, me te cilen Anxhela eshte ne foto. Ndersa Angela nga ky moment mund te quhet stiliste, pasi ajo sapo ka prezatuar ne kete vend koleksionin e pare si stiliste.

Families wanting natural births spur changes at hospitals

Summer is hot and sticky in the South, so it’s no wonder people want to be in the pool.These days, that includes women giving birth. Not prior to birth, but actually during labor and delivery.“It’s like a liquid epidural,” said Greenville resident Rosetta Mowbray, who became the first mom to have a waterbirth at Greenville Memorial Hospital on May 30. “Part of it was when they’d splash water on my back, it felt so good, but then all that weight in front of you, it’s taken off when you’re in the water. It floats.”At 8 pounds, 9 ounces, Annabelle Grace Mowbray’s arrival via waterbirth was a milestone for the hospital, but it’s increasingly one of the options moms-to-be are choosing to feel more comfortable before, during and after labor and delivery.Moms and dads are looking to individualize the births of their children and take control of the birth process. Many are creating birth plans that specify preferences for everything from who’s to be present during the birth to wishes for pain relief, positioning, clothing and music.“This is the only time a person is dreaming and planning for a hospital stay is when they’re having a baby,” said Dr. Donald Wiper, chairman and medical director of Women’s Services at GHS. “That’s completely different from having your gallbladder out.”Parents’ birth plans might include delivery in a hospital with a midwife or doula in attendance or at a childbirth center, or even at home.Though still a very small percentage of all births — less than 1 percent — the number of home births has increased dramatically in recent years. At the same time, new research shows home can be one of the most dangerous places to give birth.Whether in a medical setting or at home, parents say they’re seeking calm, relaxed ways to have babies. And hospitals like GHS are listening.

Looking for the Fountain of Youth? Find it in a sport you love

 It’s not uncommon for Scott McCrary to ride his bike up Paris Mountain and think he’s getting after it pretty good.“Then George Hincapie will ride by going up at 18 mph,” McCrary said with a laugh, “and you realize he’s a different type of human being than the rest of us.”Yet while McCrary isn’t about to compare himself to pro cyclist Hincapie, currently riding the Tour de France for the 17th time, he’s just completed his own Tour de USA and done quite well for himself. At age 64, McCrary may not be in the prime of life, but he is having the time of his life.“I’m in the best shape I’ve been in in the last five years,” McCrary said a few days after finishing a 52-day bike trip across the United States. “But I fully expect to be riding 20 years from now.“It will be a great disappointment to me if I can’t.”McCrary is among senior cyclists, hikers, paddlers, rock climbers and trail runners who’ve found age is no barrier to their active pursuits. In fact, many of them are getting involved in such adventuresome sports at older ages because they’ve found no reason they can’t. And, with some cursory warnings and limitations, most doctors encourage these pursuits because they can’t find a reason to say no.“I’m very open-minded to this sort of thing,” said Dr. Michael Kissenberth, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine at the Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas in Greenville. “I’m not going to tell people to start jumping out of airplanes, but there is a tremendous benefit to staying active as we get older.”Yet while Kissenberth advocates activity, he also sees the downside of those who’ve been active all their lives. Many have worn out joints, torn apart tendons and found themselves on the sidelines or in the operating room instead of pursuing their passions and a long, healthy life.“We still say, before you begin, you should have a check-up,” he said. “See your primary care physician or internist first to see if you’re healthy. Then begin one step at a time, in many cases literally, with easy walking and then progress from there.”

Local antiques dealer goes on televised treasure hunt

Miller Gaffney, a woman well accustomed to high-end art fairs and antique auctions, has taken a job that tosses her into flea markets around the country with the near-impossible task of finding a diamond in the rough — and then making a buck on it.“Who doesn’t love to treasure hunt?” asked the smiling Greenville native, one of four antiques dealers starring in the new PBS show “Market Warriors,” premiering at 9 p.m. Monday.The show pits the pickers against each other in head-to-head challenges in which they’re tasked with finding items in a flea market with a limited budget and limited time. Their purchases are then taken to auction, and the picker who comes out with the most profit wins.In the premiere, Gaffney and her counterparts were first charged with finding mid-century modern pieces in a Pennsylvania flea market.It was tough, she said, because the place was heavy on Pennsylvania Dutch furniture, but the beauty of a flea market is “you just never know what you’re going to find.”“Market Warriors” was the brainchild of the producers behind the popular “Antiques Roadshow,” in which guests bring potentially valuable items from their homes to be appraised by professionals.Marsha Bemko, executive producer for both shows, said the idea for “Market Warriors” grew from the desire to see the “real-world” stories behind “Roadshow’s” on-screen appraising.“This is a chance to take off our suspenders and get out there with some real practical experience of buying and selling,” she said.The four pickers, who were selected from a nationwide search, hail from different backgrounds, but all have extensive experience in the world of art dealing.Gaffney, who grew up in Greenville and moved back about a year ago after time in New York, Florida and Columbia, was involved in politics after graduating from Baylor University but was drawn to the art world. She attended a master’s program at Sotheby’s Institute of Art in New York and in 2006 started Miller Gaffney Art Advisory after working for an auction house, gallery and art-related magazine.For her business, she travels extensively, mostly along the East Coast, to consult with clients about the value of their art pieces or the purchase of new ones.“Sometimes we go into a client’s house, and they’ll think that the most expensive thing they have is what they need appraised, and it’s that thing in the corner that they had no idea what it was worth,” she said.The skills she needs for her day job — extensive knowledge of a wide array of art, ability to think on her feet, a keen eye for the undiscovered treasure — are exactly what she uses in the show, though in a slightly more hurried fashion“I’m always looking for the next great thing out there,” she said.

The family that plays together: Kevin and Kyle Mahlan share a passion for soccer

Kevin Mahlan was a baseball nut for much of his life. He played shortstop as a kid on Long Island, N.Y., and he even tried out for the New York Yankees.It wasn’t until his son Kyle, now 24, began playing soccer as a 7-year-old that Kevin discovered he also loved soccer. And now, father and son are working together as soccer coaches.Kevin, a former police officer in Orlando, Fla., last year moved to the Greenville area to coach soccer at Tri-County Tech, but after that program folded he worked as a boys’ soccer coach at Berea High School.Kyle worked with his father at Tri-County Tech and also served as the head coach of the girls’ soccer team at Westside High School in Anderson last year.And this summer, Kyle and Kevin have joined forces to operate soccer camps for kids in Clemson and Greenville. Earlier in the summer, the Mahlans ran a camp for fifth- through eighth-graders, and this week they put on a three-day camp for the community at Berea Heights Baptist Church.They hope to make the camp a yearly thing, Kevin says.The game of soccer, much like baseball, is all about the work ethic, says Kevin, who’s looking for a new full-time coaching position.“Teamwork, that’s the big thing,” says Kevin. “Also, individually, it’s your work ethic, which carries over further into life. Of course, the school work is very important. To me, being a teacher, you’ve got to get an education.”He’s has had a lifelong interest in exercise and fitness, and soccer meshes especially well with that passion.“I like it because it involves a lot of running,” says Kevin. “You have to be fit to play it. You can’t just go out on the field and expect to play soccer.”At soccer camp, Kevin and Kyle start with the basics: passing, dribbling, controlling the ball.“These kids have to learn that this is what we have to do to get better, and a lot of it is doing it on your own,” says Kyle.For Kyle, who played in the Gothia Cup international soccer tournament at age 12 and later on the Lakeland Football Club semi-pro soccer team, the game is a mental challenge as well as a physical one.“For me, it’s all about seeing how the game progresses, seeing who the best player is,” Kyle says. “I’m a tactician type of person, where I can predict where the game is going, how it’s going to flow. And just seeing that helps out in every other aspect of life. If we can teach that to the kids, it gets them better in school and gets them better in what they can do in their jobs.”

THG Asks: Should Kristen Stewart Have Issued a Public Apology?

Welcome to THG Asks, a feature in which our two celebrity gossip experts debate a topical issue in the entertainment world and readers decide on which side they fall.
Today, we turn our focus not just to Kristen Stewart and her shocking affair with Rupert Sanders, but to her unusual decision to issue a public apology regarding her actions.
We ponder both arguments and then THG Asks: Should the actress have taken this step?
NO. By Free Britney
Kristen Stewart owes the public one thing and one thing only: the best performance she can give on screen. She's an actress. She didn't cause any personal or emotional harm to a single fan out there and, no offense, but if she did... that's your fault, not hers.
Kristen owes Robert Pattinson an apology. She owes Liberty Ross, the wife of Sanders, an apology. She owes the director's two kids an apology. These were people actually affected by her lapse in judgment.
But what Stewart does in the privacy of her own home - or in the front seat of a car, apparently - is between Stewart, the person she is doing it with and those connected to either or both. When it comes someone such as Kristen, who has clearly never craved fame, I choose to judge her solely on her acting chops and don't expect her to meet any sort of ethical standard in her personal life.
And I certainly don't need her to apologize to me when she fails to do so.
YES. By Hilton Hater
Hi, Free Britney. Welcome to 2012. Your argument may have made sense a couple decades ago, prior to tabloids and the paparazzi and the Internet and the blurring of lines between the public, the private and the professional.
But this isn't a debate over how thing should be. It's a debate over how things are.
And this is how they are in this age, especially for a star such as Stewart and a franchise such as The Twilight Saga: the movies are sold as much on Kristen and Rob's relationship as they are on vampires, werewolves and half-human babies. It's very easy to argue that Stewart's dalliance with Sanders will cost the studio millions, considering fans who simply won't be able to stand her on screen any longer.
Yes, Twihards take their Robsten very seriously and, whether Stewart wanted to play that game or not, she profited significantly from it. The investment of others in her relationship with Pattinson shot this actress on to the A-list. And she knew that. She may have disdained the spotlight, but she was aware that countless fans were staring at her in it and expecting her - at the very least - not to cheat with a married man nearly twice her age.
I mean, seriously. Are we really at the point where we're second guessing an apology? Isn't that what we ask for from those who make a mistake?
Your turn, readers. What do YOU think? Should Kristen Stewart have issued a public apology for cheating on Robert Pattinson?